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Best Thesis Topic Ideas In Architecture

  1. Soft architecture: complex bending-active hybrid structure introducing the use of spacer fabrics in the architectural field
  2. Lunar architecture
  3. Study on the intermediary space of the high rise buildings
  4. extreme livable lightweight environment
  5. Ultra-lightweight temporary architecture. Defining new minimal mass and efficiency-oriented design strategies through an experimental approach
  6. Research on the construction of urban market space order
  7. Berlin architecture museum. The architecture of museum beyond exhibition space
  8. A method for working with cinematic city. A manifesto for urban stalking
  9. Temporary architecture for great event, Expo 2015 Milano
  10. Matrix, Experimental vision of urban space
  11. Robotic Construction for High-rise Building
  12. Continua of interior
  13. Architecture Institute of Athens. Integration of architectural geometry with natural light
  14. Spatial integration of urban underground public space and pedestrian system.
  15. Working in the air. The green space of communication between outside and inside
  16. Auxetic structures: towards bending-active architectural applications
  17. Research on upscale bathroom space design
  18. Dwelling with the Chinese courtyard building architecture. A research for China’s sustainable housing
  19. Desert architecture in case of Atacama
  20. Interactive architecture : its development, means, tools and implementation into the built environment
  21. Modular interactive architecture system design
  22. Identity-fixation and reintegration of social spaces around Meskel Square area : sustainable solution for a low cost housing and design of open spaces Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  23. Morphogenesis of space frame systems. Behavioral patterns optimize the architecture
  24. Bio mimicry in architecture. Mitigation and adaptation to climate change
  25. Formation, inheritance and extension of the architecture spirituality. The case of site sanctuary at Monsanto, Portugal
  26. Architecture of mental space
  27. Rereading: a dialogue between an old building and a new structure. Remodeling new entree spaces for exhibition in a historical building
  28. Rereading: a dialogue between the old building and the new structure. Remodeling new entree spaces for exhibition in a historical building
  29. Smart structures for morphing applications in aerospace: development of a technological demonstrator based on SMA actuators and fiber optic sensors
  30. Office with two columns
  31. The concept of time in Japanese architecture: the perspective of temporality as a source of continuity
  32. Revealing interstitial spaces. Pet architecture within the city of Milan
  33. Artificial lighting. Material for design
  34. Flexible buildings: a way towards sustainable architecture
  35. The painting exhibition without painting. A study of architectural space and representation in Persian miniature
  36. Homo-Tech Wall. Redefinition and representation of civic-tectonic wall through an empirical approach
  37. This is architectural design thinking. How some tools and methods of service design can change the way we conceive architecture and interior space
  38. Invisible frontiers. A new perception of New York’s urban ruins through introducing infrastructural architecture proposing different soils for expression
  39. Feasible ecological strategy for informal public space of high-density urban environment. Taking Shanghai as a case
  40. This is architectural design thinking. How some tools and methods of service design can change the way we conceive architecture and interior space
  41. Green linkage spaces: new urban design strategies for urban spaces in Mashhad City (Iran) due to cultural landscape approaches
  42. Eagle Street. Case the big why. Skyscrapers in a paradigm of Australian architecture, the river and the city, parametric and the other stories
  43. Residential configuration: a case study on the transformation of spatial arrangement patterns of dwellings in Tehran
  44. Capturing transparency in Murano. Design for re-activating the main system of fruition spaces
  45. The recognition of rib development in Persian architecture
  46. BlackBox. How to reconcile the architectural and cultural character of a vertical building in a rapidly developing city like Alexandria
  47. Research on eco-shaping architectural design
  48. Public space and urban landscape. Urban strategy. Reconnection, regeneration, and redevelopment of pre-fabricated housing neighborhood: panel complex, Trakia quarter, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  49. Living above and below: a new proposal for underground and public spaces
  50. Drapetsona pier. Between habitat & infrastructure
  51. Meeting-up in Sofia. Integrating common spaces and functions into architecture
  52. Tools, techniques, and methods of recycling plastics for the construction of new forms of temporary living. A case study in the Zaatari refugee camp
  53. Flexible systems dynamics for active space debris removal
  54. A BIM-GIS valuation model of urban green infrastructure project
  55. Multidisciplinary design of a net-based device for space debris active removal
  56. An incremental housing approach of the future
  57. Multi-criteria decision analysis as a tool in sustainable post-disaster and post-conflict reconstruction.
  58. Rotative housing system..
  59. Injecting architecture in the post-earthquake reconstruction phase? About temporary architecture within the shelter phase.
  60. Heritage is in motion. Envisioning new processes and practices on built heritage reactivation
  61. Squatting and its role in public space. Re-qualification of Piazza Stuparich.
  62. Tensile structures with architectural opportunities of ETFE as a membrane material
  63. Flood adaptive strategies in planning and architecture. A proactive prototype in Samal Island, Davao, Philippines.
  64. Respacing Belgrade. Proposal for requalification of destroyed buildings in Belgrade (Serbia) during the NATO bombing in 1999.
  65. The three gorges dam: a damned landscape. Shots portray the ethical landscape.
  66. Environmental design for urban regeneration. Using nature-based solutions as adaptive and innovative approaches.
  67. A story of contemporary migration.
  68. From a unit to a neighborhood. An incremental unit for housing in a developing country.
  69. Grounding the city. The project for the metropolitan urban form between architecture and landscape.
  70. Featuring potentials on an early Christian building in Nicaea: an architectural approach to the Sunken basilica.
  71. The water, energy, and food security nexus in biofuels
  72. Experimental analysis of the effect of the cooling holes on the boundary layer state of a film-cooled turbine vane.
  73. Time domain numerical modeling of offshore wind turbine seismic response
  74. Framing Landscape of open Horizons: landscape and Cinema
  75. The role of adaptive design in the urban revival. How could the urban neighborhood or the building be improved and rehabilitated
  76. Rethinking of fontainhas : a new cultural space for the city of Porto
  77. Redesigning the thresholds: an alternative strategy for Ouro do Porto

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