- Soft architecture: complex bending-active hybrid structure introducing the use of spacer fabrics in the architectural field
- Lunar architecture
- Study on the intermediary space of the high rise buildings
- extreme livable lightweight environment
- Ultra-lightweight temporary architecture. Defining new minimal mass and efficiency-oriented design strategies through an experimental approach
- Research on the construction of urban market space order
- Berlin architecture museum. The architecture of museum beyond exhibition space
- A method for working with cinematic city. A manifesto for urban stalking
- Temporary architecture for great event, Expo 2015 Milano
- Matrix, Experimental vision of urban space
- Robotic Construction for High-rise Building
- Continua of interior
- Architecture Institute of Athens. Integration of architectural geometry with natural light
- Spatial integration of urban underground public space and pedestrian system.
- Working in the air. The green space of communication between outside and inside
- Auxetic structures: towards bending-active architectural applications
- Research on upscale bathroom space design
- Dwelling with the Chinese courtyard building architecture. A research for China’s sustainable housing
- Desert architecture in case of Atacama
- Interactive architecture : its development, means, tools and implementation into the built environment
- Modular interactive architecture system design
- Identity-fixation and reintegration of social spaces around Meskel Square area : sustainable solution for a low cost housing and design of open spaces Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Morphogenesis of space frame systems. Behavioral patterns optimize the architecture
- Bio mimicry in architecture. Mitigation and adaptation to climate change
- Formation, inheritance and extension of the architecture spirituality. The case of site sanctuary at Monsanto, Portugal
- Architecture of mental space
- Rereading: a dialogue between an old building and a new structure. Remodeling new entree spaces for exhibition in a historical building
- Rereading: a dialogue between the old building and the new structure. Remodeling new entree spaces for exhibition in a historical building
- Smart structures for morphing applications in aerospace: development of a technological demonstrator based on SMA actuators and fiber optic sensors
- Office with two columns
- The concept of time in Japanese architecture: the perspective of temporality as a source of continuity
- Revealing interstitial spaces. Pet architecture within the city of Milan
- Artificial lighting. Material for design
- Flexible buildings: a way towards sustainable architecture
- The painting exhibition without painting. A study of architectural space and representation in Persian miniature
- Homo-Tech Wall. Redefinition and representation of civic-tectonic wall through an empirical approach
- This is architectural design thinking. How some tools and methods of service design can change the way we conceive architecture and interior space
- Invisible frontiers. A new perception of New York’s urban ruins through introducing infrastructural architecture proposing different soils for expression
- Feasible ecological strategy for informal public space of high-density urban environment. Taking Shanghai as a case
- This is architectural design thinking. How some tools and methods of service design can change the way we conceive architecture and interior space
- Green linkage spaces: new urban design strategies for urban spaces in Mashhad City (Iran) due to cultural landscape approaches
- Eagle Street. Case the big why. Skyscrapers in a paradigm of Australian architecture, the river and the city, parametric and the other stories
- Residential configuration: a case study on the transformation of spatial arrangement patterns of dwellings in Tehran
- Capturing transparency in Murano. Design for re-activating the main system of fruition spaces
- The recognition of rib development in Persian architecture
- BlackBox. How to reconcile the architectural and cultural character of a vertical building in a rapidly developing city like Alexandria
- Research on eco-shaping architectural design
- Public space and urban landscape. Urban strategy. Reconnection, regeneration, and redevelopment of pre-fabricated housing neighborhood: panel complex, Trakia quarter, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Living above and below: a new proposal for underground and public spaces
- Drapetsona pier. Between habitat & infrastructure
- Meeting-up in Sofia. Integrating common spaces and functions into architecture
- Tools, techniques, and methods of recycling plastics for the construction of new forms of temporary living. A case study in the Zaatari refugee camp
- Flexible systems dynamics for active space debris removal
- A BIM-GIS valuation model of urban green infrastructure project
- Multidisciplinary design of a net-based device for space debris active removal
- An incremental housing approach of the future
- Multi-criteria decision analysis as a tool in sustainable post-disaster and post-conflict reconstruction.
- Rotative housing system..
- Injecting architecture in the post-earthquake reconstruction phase? About temporary architecture within the shelter phase.
- Heritage is in motion. Envisioning new processes and practices on built heritage reactivation
- Squatting and its role in public space. Re-qualification of Piazza Stuparich.
- Tensile structures with architectural opportunities of ETFE as a membrane material
- Flood adaptive strategies in planning and architecture. A proactive prototype in Samal Island, Davao, Philippines.
- Respacing Belgrade. Proposal for requalification of destroyed buildings in Belgrade (Serbia) during the NATO bombing in 1999.
- The three gorges dam: a damned landscape. Shots portray the ethical landscape.
- Environmental design for urban regeneration. Using nature-based solutions as adaptive and innovative approaches.
- A story of contemporary migration.
- From a unit to a neighborhood. An incremental unit for housing in a developing country.
- Grounding the city. The project for the metropolitan urban form between architecture and landscape.
- Featuring potentials on an early Christian building in Nicaea: an architectural approach to the Sunken basilica.
- The water, energy, and food security nexus in biofuels
- Experimental analysis of the effect of the cooling holes on the boundary layer state of a film-cooled turbine vane.
- Time domain numerical modeling of offshore wind turbine seismic response
- Framing Landscape of open Horizons: landscape and Cinema
- The role of adaptive design in the urban revival. How could the urban neighborhood or the building be improved and rehabilitated
- Rethinking of fontainhas : a new cultural space for the city of Porto
- Redesigning the thresholds: an alternative strategy for Ouro do Porto